Monday, 7 January 2013

Our Green Screen Virtual Studio.

  • This is the image which we are using for the virtual studio as our green screen background. It will be used as a background on screen when Shannen, Carys, and myself are presenting and introducing each of the features within our programme. We have chosen this specific one because it's bright, vibrant and fun. Other programmes of the same genre, and also aimed at similar audiences to ours, (such as MTV, and Balls of Steel) all use brightly coloured, bold, and vibrant backgrounds that easily catches the audiences attention.
  • Our aim is for the programme to appeal to a teenage/ young adult audience. The humor which we have written into the television programme will suit them perfectly at this age category. We feel that marketing the show at this age group will hep us attract more views because they are roughly the same age as us and will therefore understand the comedy and humor we have put into the programme. 
  • Social media sites such a Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr will also help to attract a bigger and wider audience. Pople of this age group (roughly 15-35) are more likely to use social media websites than any other age group. We have decided to reach out to certain members of the audience that might be on Twitter or Facebook by incorporating it into our programme. This is done by directly asking them to voice their opinion and point of view on the programme, which characters they like, and also getting them to vote which challenges they want us to complete. This is very easy and accessible for anyone that wants to contact us and ask us questions about the programme, or suggest features. 

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